Member Services Policy

General Policy Statement:

This policy is not intended to restrict the rights of membership, but to address certain unacceptable actions and/or conduct in order to assure the rights and protection of Northwest Missouri Regional Credit Union property, employees, volunteers, members, and/or others involved in Credit Union business against financial loss, compliance risk, property damage, and/or abuse. Additionally, this policy will apply to members who are indebted to the Credit Union and cannot or will not repay their obligations.

The Board of Directors, President, and/or an employee designated by the Board has authority to restrict services or expel a member from membership of the Credit Union pursuant to this policy. 

Policy Guidelines:

This policy outlines the Credit Union’s various actions, up to and including expulsion from membership. This policy may restrict basic Credit Union services, restrict access to the Credit Union property, and/or restrict access to events upon written or oral notice.

 Further, this policy is not enacted to limit or restrict the Credit Union from exercising its rights under Credit Union Bylaws or other federal and state laws, as applicable.

 This policy shall be applied only to the action of members which occur more than thirty (30) days after the later of: (1) adoption of the policy; or (2) notice of change to the membership through the quarterly newsletter or website, etc.

 The Credit Union will ensure that this policy is provided to members upon acceptance to Credit Union membership and any day after upon request.

 For purposes of this policy, “unacceptable actions and/or conduct” includes, but is not limited to, any of the following conduct:

  1. Any threats of or actual bodily harm or illegal activity against another member, employee, or volunteer engaged in Credit Union business.

  2. Any type of harassment, including but not limited to, age, sexual, ethnic, or racial harassment.  The making of ethnic or racial slurs.  Engaging in sexual conduct or making of sexual overtures.

  3. Making false, vicious, or malicious statements about any Credit Union member, employee, or volunteer.  Making similar statements against the Credit Union itself and its services, operations, policies, practices, or management.

  4. Cursing or other abusive or vulgar language directed towards any Credit Union member, employee or volunteer engaged in Credit Union business.

  5. Bringing or possessing firearms or weapons or any hazardous or dangerous device on Credit Union property or at a Credit Union function.

  6. Possession, sale, use, or being under the influence of any unlawful or unauthorized substance on Credit Union property or at a Credit Union function.

  7. Conducting or attempting to conduct or engage in any fraudulent, dishonest, or deceptive activity involving Credit Union members, employees, volunteers, or services.

  8. Appropriation or misappropriation of Credit Union funds, property, or other material proprietary to Credit Union.

  9. Immoral conduct or indecency on Credit Union property.

  10. Personal hygiene practices that are offensive to or endanger the health and well-being of Credit Union members, employees, and volunteers.

  11. Any other act which endangers the safety, health, or well-being of another person or which is of sufficient magnitude that causes disruption of business at Credit Union.

 Member Service Restriction:

All members are entitled to maintain a single share in the Credit Union and are eligible to attend, participate, and vote at the annual and special meetings of the members, and maintain a share account. No other access to products, services, or facilities is a right of membership. All such access may be restricted at the discretion of the Credit Union.

Any or all the following actions may be imposed:

  1. restriction of all services other than the right to maintain a share account and the right to vote at annual and special meetings,

  2. restriction from contact with Credit Union employees, members, or volunteers such that services may be available only by remote means,

  3. restriction from access to the Credit Union property, and/or

  4. taking any other action deemed appropriate under the circumstances that is not precluded by the Credit Union’s Bylaws or other applicable federal or state law.

Credit Union may also restrict services to members due to delinquency of a loan, delinquency of a credit line, or share account negligence.

Member Expulsion:

The funds the Credit Union holds belong to its members.  When a member causes the Credit Union to suffer a loss, that loss is borne by all members.  As a result, the Credit Union has enacted this policy to govern its dealings with members who are indebted to the Credit Union and either cannot or will not repay their obligations.

The Credit Union member may be expelled from membership by:

  1. two-thirds vote of the members present at any regularly called meeting of members,

  2. decision of the Board of Directors, President, or another designated employee, or

  3. with evidence of nonparticipation of a member in the affairs of the Credit Union

    1. failure to maintain membership share

    2. failure to vote in annual Credit Union elections

Once the Credit Union has determined that a member shall be restricted services or expelled; the Credit Union will notify the member in writing or verbally of their decision and the reason(s) upon which the decision is based. The member has the right to appeal the decision in writing and delivered to the Board of Directors within thirty (30) days of the date of expulsion.

 Once shares are withdrawn the member shall have no further right in the Credit Union or to any of its benefits. However, such expulsion or withdrawal of shares will not operate to relieve a member of any remaining liability to the Credit Union.

 All amounts paid in on shares by expelled or withdrawing members, before their expulsion or withdrawal, will be paid to them in the order of their withdrawal or expulsion, but only as funds become available and only after deducting any amounts due to the Credit Union. 

 Should the Credit Union find that further actions are warranted, additional steps may be taken which could result in law enforcement involvement, legal action, and/or prosecution. 

 Reinstatement of an expelled member is solely with in the authority of the Board of Directors.  An expelled member may seek reinstatement by written request to the Board, along with any information the expelled member would like the Board to review.

 Membership and/or Credit Denial:

The Credit Union understands that any loss discharged through bankruptcy is not collectible and therefore will make no attempt to collect payment.  However, the Credit Union reserves the right not to extend future credit or membership to an individual who has caused the loss.

Additionally, any former member who has behaved in an abusive or threatening manner toward any Credit Union member, employee, or volunteer is not eligible for membership. If a former member reapplies for membership, the Credit Union can deny the application under this policy.

Updated 4/9/2024
Contact the Credit Union for any changes to this disclosure since posted.